Mini hydroelectric power generation,
a sustainable distributed energy source suitable for the natural environment.

Small-scale hydroelectric power generation
under low-flow and low-drop conditions.

Water weco


What is mini hydroelectric power generation system?

Mini hydroelectric power generation (Micro-hydroelectric power generation) developed by our company is
a small-scale hydroelectric power generation facility.
There are many places where you can install water discharged from hydroelectric power plants, industrial water, agricultural water, etc., and you can create stable distributed energy, and there are merits such as easy procedures such as water right permission. Here is a video which is model of water turbine.

Although mini hydroelectric power generation (Micro-hydroelectric power generation) has initial cost,
the greatest merit is that the mini hydroelectric not only can recover initial cost more stably than real estate investment, but also can be self-efficient economically stable clean energy.

Why don’t you utilize renewable energy?

In places where water resources are abundantly used,
simply flowing water means that the power of water,
in other words, energy is being wasted.
When the energy utilizes as an electricity there,
the energy not only can be saving energy,
but also can use emergency power supply on disaster.
Electricity produced by mini hydroelectricity is more suitable for natural environment than electricity produced by coal and gas, and does not emit any CO2.
Since great East Japan Earthquake,
the ratio of thermal power generation has increased instead of nuclear power generation,
making it difficult to reduce CO2 emissions,
and securing new power sources has become an urgent issue,
raising expectations for renewable energy.

There are so many places where they can be installed.
ELIS is conducting research and development in collaboration with local governments and universities and research institutes specializing in fluid engineering.

Three benefits of installing mini hydroelectricity

  • No.1 You can take advantage of renewable energy.

    In general, hydroelectric power generation has an extremely excellent energy conversion efficiency of 60 to 80% compared to other power generation methods, and since it generates electricity stably for 24 hours, it can generate the most stable power generation among renewal energy resources. ELIS manufactures and sells not only power generators but also generators suitable for local production for local consumption of energy.

  • No.2 Many installation locations, quick investment recovery

    There are many installation locations such as hydroelectric power generation, industrial water, and agricultural irrigation channel, and it is characterized by stable investment recovery compared to real estate investment and solar power generation. You can make stable profits even after collection. Although it was not possible to commercialize even with our product rating of 7.5 kW.

  • No.3 Excellent in environmental aspect

    Unlike solar power generation, it does not emit a large amount of CO2, and it does not emit greenhouse gas during power generation. It does not require large-scale construction such as conventional hydroelectric power generation installation work, and does not affect the ecosystem. Local production for local consumption of energy eliminates losses due to power transmission lines.

Mini hydroelectric power generation system developed by ELIS
water weco®Three characteristics of WaterWeco

  • Installable even with low head and low water flow

    Installable even in low head and low water flow

    Even in places where there is almost no head, the blade shape can be optimized according to the flow velocity, so it can be installed in places that have been overlooked until now. The red part of the water turbine selection table created by NEDO is the suitable place for WaterWeco.

  • Good power generation efficiency

    Good power generation efficiency

    As a manufacturer of mini hydroelectric power generation (micro hydroelectric power generation), ELIS has commercialized an optimized product by conducting numerical analysis, fluid analysis, and model experiments in a low head environment from the bottom.

  • Proprietary remote monitoring system

    Proprietary remote monitoring system

    The operation management of mini hydroelectric power generation (micro hydroelectric power generation) is carried out by a remote monitoring system that utilizes LP gas safety management technology jointly developed by the ELIS group company, which has been in business for about 70 years, and Toyo Keiki, a manufacturer of remote monitoring systems. Therefore, the operating cost can be minimized. You can also install a surveillance camera, so you can check the local situation in addition to the power generation status. This helps reduce maintenance costs such as dust protection.

Flow until the installation of a mini hydroelectric power generation system

  • Step1 Concept Selection of proposed site
    Survey of flow condition data, relations of right, etc
    Drawings of the proposed site, photographs of the site
    We will consider independent power (emergency power supply in disaster), use as energy saving, and power sales models.
    If there is little local information, a site survey (for a fee) may be required.
  • Step2 Rough design Rough drawing
    Rough cost estimate
    Based on the information on the candidate site, we will conduct a schematic design and cost study. Depending on the details, there may be a cost for drawing, etc.
  • Step3 Plan Income and expenditure simulation
    The Decision of the business entity and maintenance manager
    Determination of business jurisdiction classification
    Selection of local manufacturer and construction contractor
    We will examine the economic efficiency of the estimated power generation amount and cost and improve the power generation efficiency such as the appropriate water turbine shape that is suitable for the site from the viewpoint of mechanical engineering and fluid engineering.
    We will establish a financing scheme and negotiate the division of work for various applications (water rights, electricity, Government Offices [National and Local Government], subsidies, etc.).
  • Step4 Provisional contract We will conclude a non-disclosure agreement and provisional contract.
  • Step5 Detailed design Detailed drawing creation
    Process chart creation
    Financial plans creation
    Approval application procedure
    We will create construction drawings, schedules, and financial plans based on detailed drawings.
    In addition, we will also create an approval application procedure.
    Depending on the scale of the facility, structural calculations may be required (for a fee).
  • Step6 This agreement
  • Step7 Start of construction Civil engineering
    Equipment installation engineering
    Electricity engineering
    We will construct a power plant.
  • Step8 Delivery Trial run We will carry out a test run and inspect the system.

Event Information

Press Release

January 8, 2025 【Hiroshima Institute of Invention and Innovation】WaterWeco® Featured in Commemorative Webpage
December 11, 2024 【Industrial Press Publishing Co.】Elis Wins Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation's "Chairman's Award" for Outstanding Invention
December 11, 2024 【UNIDO ITPO】STePP URL Change
December 4, 2024 【Announcement】WaterWeco® Patented in South Korea
December 4, 2024 【Announcement】WaterWeco® Patented in Colombia
December 4, 2024 【BBC】Large-scale Hydropower & Greenhouse Gases
November 29, 2024 【Nikkei Shimbun】Elis' WaterWeco・Stable, Cost-Effective Power
November 12, 2024 【Sanyo News】Elis Receives Top Award at Chugoku Region Inventors' Award Ceremony
November 8, 2024 【Announcement】Elis' WaterWeco® Featured in Keirinkan's 2025 Junior High School Science Textbook
November 7, 2024 【Announcement】Elis' WaterWeco® Wins Invention Association's "Chairman's Award"
November 5, 2024 【Announcement】WaterWeco® Registered on WIPO Green
October 29, 2024 【Announcement】 Elis' WaterWeco® Awarded the Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation's "Chairman's Award"
October 28, 2024 【National Rental Housing Newspaper】Tsubame Holdings Increases Sales to 8.6 Billion Yen through Diversification
August 30, 2024 【Report】United Nations Industrial Development Organization Tokyo Investment and Technology Transfer Promotion Office Sustainable Technology Dissemination Platform “STePP” updated
August 20, 2024 【Announcement】Patented in Hong Kong
June 5, 2024 【Announcement】European patent enters into force
April 5, 2024 【Announcement】Published by Keirinkan:Inclusion in the "Junior High School Science Textbook" for the 7th Year of Reiwa (2025)
April 3, 2024 【Report】Our database of Enterprise Europe Network has been changed
April 2, 2024 【Report】Intellectual property registration in new regions
March 3, 2024 【Oil Industry Newspaper】Mini-hydroelectric power generation attracting attension
January 30, 2024 【Oil Industry Newspaper】Intellectual property patent registered in the US, small hydropower
January 10, 2024 【Sangyohodoushuppan】Introduction of natural energy EV vehicles
January 9, 2024 【Report】WaterWeco® Patent registration
December 23, 2023 【Sanyo Shimbun】Introduced electric vehicles as company cars
November 12, 2023 【EEN】Featured on EEN’s database
October 16, 2023 【JETRO】Featured on JETRO’sJ-Bridge portal
June 27, 2023 【Sanyo Shimbun】Challenges in Decarbonization - Expanding Actions - Special Feature
May 1, 2023 【Sangyohodoushuppan】Registered as
April 17, 2023 【Tokyo Shoseki】Published in the high school textbook
April 12, 2023 【Okayama City】Registration as
March 31, 2023 【Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism 】A guide to small hydropower
March 27, 2023 【Ministry of the Environment】Became a registered company of『Circular and Ecological Economy (Japan's vision to realize decarbonization and SDGs) 』
March 6, 2023 【TOYO KEIKI CO., LTD.】 Published in the 41st Toukeikai 「DX by Smart Meter & IoT-R」
February 21, 2023 【Oil Industry Newspaper】Lecture on micro-hydropower
February 10, 2023 【UNIDO】WaterWeco® is featured in the new UNIDO ITPO Tokyo brochure
February 10, 2022 【UNIDO】WaterWeco® is featured in the new UNIDO ITPO Tokyo brochure
February 7, 2023 【Oil Industry Newspaper】ELIS was introduced by a panel at the Okayama SDGs award as a 'particularly outstanding initiative'.
January 31, 2023 【Announcement】Fifth Zero Carbon Workshop in 2023
January 18, 2023 【Petrochemical Newspaper】Okayama SDGs Award, ELIS
January 16, 2023 【Announcement】Lecture on WaterWeco®
January 16, 2023 【Okayama Shinkin Bank】SDGs『Enterprises that create a sustainable society』
December 19, 2022 【Sangyohodoushuppan】Highly Commented for Research and Development of Small Hydropower ELIS (Okayama SDGs Award)
December 3, 2022 【Announcement】Okayama SDGs Plaza (Panel Exhibition)
December 3, 2022 【Announcement】Okayama SDGs Forum 2022 (Panel Discussion)
December 3, 2022 【Announcement】Okayama SDGs Award 2022 Commendation Ceremony (Presentation of Initiatives)
December 3, 2022 【Announcement】Okayama SDGs Award 2022 Commendation Ceremony
December 3, 2022 【Announcement】ELIS,Winning Excellence of Performanⅽe Award at the Okayama SDGs Award 2022(particularly outstanding initiatives)
October 13, 2022 【Oil Industry Newspaper】Growing expectations for small hydropower generation CN, technology that leads to environmental friendliness
August 3, 2022 【Oil Industry Newspaper】Small hydropower “WaterWeco®” PR video released on UNIDO Tokyo office website
August 3, 2022 【Oil Industry Newspaper】Our SDGs declaration is now open to the public
March 9, 2022 【Oil Industry Newspaper】Dispatch of small hydropower information, President of ELIS, Mr. Kuwahara gives a seminar
February 17, 2022 【Petrochemical Newspaper】Lecture by Mr. Kuwahara, President of ELIS on the theme of small hydropower. on-demand delivery in February.
January 20, 2022 【Announcement】 Fukushima Renewable Energy Center Renewable Energy Aggregation and Small Hydropower seminar
January 12, 2022 【Oil Industry Newspaper】Eco-Pro/Okayama Shinkin Bank SDGs, ELIS’s small hydropower received award one after another.
January 5, 2022 【Sangyohodoushuppan】ELIS is winning two Awards, Highly rated for small hydropower systems(2022 New year special issues)
December 21, 2021 【Oil Industry Newspaper】 ELIS is winning the Excellent Award at the 4th Eco-Pro Award
December 10, 2021 【Sanyo Newspaper】Okayama Shinkin SDGs Award 2021, 28 SDGs Practice Group Awards
December 10, 2021 【Announcement】Okayama Shinkin SDGs Award 2021・Award Ceremony
December 10, 2021 【Announcement】3rd year of Reiwa (2021) The 4th Eco-Pro Award 2021 Award Ceremony
November 11, 2021 【Industrial News Publication】ELIS, Winning Excellence of Performance Award at the Eco-Pro Award
October 26, 2021 【Oil Industry Newspaper】ELIS exhibited Sustainable Technology Exhibition ''ELIS Small-Hydropower System''
October 13, 2021 【Industrial News Publication】Elis will exhibit Online Exhibition
October 5, 2021 【Oil Industry Newspaper】 Exhibited at Sustainable Technology Exhibition ELIS Small Hydropower System
October 4, 2021 【Petrochemical Newspaper】 Efficiently won the ELIS Small Hydropower
October 4, 2021 【Industrial news publication】 Evaluation for high-efficiency power generation, cost, disaster response, etc.
September 28, 2021 【Oil Industry Newspaper】 Received the Eco-Pro Award Excellence Award
September 22, 2021 【Industrial Press Publishing】 Highly evaluated for the environmental friendliness and power generation efficiency of small hydroelectric power generation. Received the Excellence Award at the Eco-Pro Award.
September 17, 2021 【UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization)】 Sustainable Technology Exhibition (10/13-15) (*Online) WaterWeco® will be exhibited!
September 14, 2021 【Oil Industry Newspaper】ELIS won Excellence Award of Eco-Pro Award from small hydropower generation
September 8, 2021 【Report】The 3rd year of Reiwa era (2021 year) News of winning the 4th Eco-Pro Award
August 16, 2021 【JETRO Twitter】WaterWeco® was posted.
July 27, 2021 【Oil Industry Newspaper】Mini Hydroelectric Power Generation System of ELIS CO., LTD. will be exhibit online event for the first time.
July 13, 2021 【Report】「NET ZERO Leaders Summit (Japan Business Conference 2021) Exhibition」
July 13, 2021 【Report】Registration of Mini Hydroelectric Power Generation in 「STePP」
June 10, 2021 【High efficiency under shot water wheel WaterWeco video】
June 10, 2021 【Report】It was taken up in the lecture example.
May 28, 2021 【Nihon Keizai Shimbun】May 28, 2021 Issue “Okayama Renewable Energy Company plans 11 mini-hydroelectric generation in Niigata”
March 23, 2021 【Oil Industry Newspaper】March 23, 2021 Issue “Hayato Maruyama (Waseda University) Introducing ELIS’s Initiatives Micro mini-hydroelectric generation + Local Community”
March 1, 2021 【Report】It was taken up in the lecture example.
February 1, 2021 【Oil Industry Newspaper】February 1, 2021 Issue “Spreading mini-hydroelectric generation: 10 power plants in Japan, For the first time”
January 19, 2021 【Oil Industry Newspaper】January 18, 2021 Issue “Patent for mini-hydroelectric generation”
January 13, 2021 【Oil Industry Newspaper】Nominated for GAS AWARD 2020 issue on January 12, 2021
January 4, 2021 【Clean Energy】January, 2021 TECHNICAL REPORT “Model test on the performance of breast shot water wheel –Effect of flow control method on efficiency”
December 24, 2020 【Report】Mini Hydro Study Meeting in Okayama
November 25, 2020 【Oil Industry Newspaper】November 24, 2020 Issue “Domestic Patent Obtained WaterWeco “World Patent Industry ELIS
November 20, 2020 【Report】Lecture on
October 2, 2020 【Report】Efforts for mini hydroelectric power generation demonstration experiment in Tomi district, Kagamino-cho
September 30, 2020 【Report】WaterWeco patent registration
September 23, 2020 【Nippo Business】September, 2020 Issue “Kuwadani ELIS Power Plant in Tsuyama City – Utilized as a Power Source for mini-EVs”
August 29, 2020 【Report】Tsuyama City Production “Water School 2020” Environmental Education Video Completed
August 4, 2020 【Report】Tsuyama City Sponsored “Water School 2020” Environmental Education Video Production
July 14, 2020 【Report】Request for lecture at “Water School 2020”
June 23, 2020 【Report】WaterWeco® Design Registration
June 23, 2020 【Environmental Technology Demonstration Project】Ministry of Environment ETV Briefing Materials
June 15, 2020 SocioScience: 2019 “Three Contributions of Small and Medium Enterprises to Overseas Expansion”
June 10, 2020 【Report】It was taken up in the lecture example.
June 5, 2020 【Report】It was taken up in the lecture example.
April 27, 2020 【Nihon Keizai Shimbun】”Natural power and heat self-sufficiency spreading energy local production and consumption Industry promotion effect is also expected”
March 3, 2020 【Oil Industry Newspaper】”Reliable Evidence” At a Briefing session on Environmental Technology Demonstration Project
February 26, 2020 【Report】Ministry of the environment Reiwa Fy2019 environmental technology demonstration project small and medium hydropower technology division Business briefing session
February 6, 2020 【Information】Lecture at the business briefing session of the Environmental Technology Demonstration (ETV) project in the first year of Reiwa sponsored by the Ministry of the Environment
December 6, 2019 【Clean Energy】December, 2019 Issue “Model Test on Output Efficiency of Breast shot Water Wheel”
December 4, 2019 〖National Mini-Hydroelectric Power Generation〗Nagasaki University (joint research destination)
December 4, 2019 〖Eco-Pro 2019 ~ Toward the Realization of a Sustainable Society〗 Exhibited at WaterWeco®
November 15, 2019 【Report】Exhibited at “Chugoku-Shikoku Environmental Business Net (B-net) Forum 2019”
October 15, 2019 【Report】Lecture at briefing session and workshop for environmental technology demonstration (ETV) business in fiscal 2019 (the first year of Reiwa) sponsored by the Ministry of the Environment
September 21, 2019 【Report】Lecture and exhibition on “Takao ELIS Power Plant in Niimi City” at “Clean Energy Fair 2019” hosted by Yamanashi Prefecture Energy Bureau and Enterprise Bureau
September 5, 2019 【Report】JICA Mexico Trainees Visit Takao ELIS Power Plant in Niimi City
September 4, 2019 【Information】2019 (the first year of Reiwa) Environmental Technology Demonstration (ETV) Project Hosted by the Ministry of the Environment Lecture at briefing sessions and workshops
September 4, 2019 【Information】Lecture and exhibition on “Takao ELIS Power Plant in Niimi City” at “Clean Energy Fair 2019” sponsored by Yamanashi Prefecture Energy Bureau and Enterprise Bureau
July 22, 2019 【Oil Industry Newspaper】July 22, 2019, new options for small and medium hydroelectric power generation
July 24, 2019 【Report】Lecture on “Environmental Policy” at Okayama University of Science
July 10, 2019 【Report】Exhibited at the 14th Renewable Energy World Exhibition and Forum
June 3, 2019 【Clean Energy】June, 2019 Issue “Model test on output characteristics of Breast Shot Water Wheel and examples of output improvement in actual machine output
May 14, 2019 【Turbomachinery】April 2019 issue "Study on output characteristics of immersion type undershot water wheel for ultra-low head"
April 23, 2019 【National mini hydroelectric Council for the Promotion of Use】Posted in Mini Hydroelectric Power generation Database
April 2, 2019 【Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism】Takao ELIS Power Station, Niimi City Scheduled to be published in Guide for Mini Hydropower Installation Ver.4
March 23, 2019 【Ministry of Economy】Trade and Industry The FIT system determines the purchase price, unit price of levies, etc. from FISCAL 2019 onwards.
February 8, 2019 【Sanyo Shimbun Sakusyu wide edition】 micro power generation equipment completed Supply to campsite from this spring
January 25, 2019 【New Energy Shimbun】 SDGs Renewable Energy Economic Cycle Model spread of WaterWeco
December 5, 2018 【FM Tsuyama】Radio Live Information Talk Program Guest Appearance
December 4, 2018 【Oil Industry Newspaper】Established Kuwadani ELIS Power Plant in Tsuyama City as a low-carbon economic cycle model
November 29, 2018 【New Energy Shimbun】Mini hydroelectric power plant "Kuwadani ELIS Power Plant in Tsuyama City"
November 20, 2018 【Nikkei xTECH】Charging small EVs with "mini hydro + storage batteries", started operation in Tsuyama City
November 19, 2018 【Report】Tsuyama City Kuwadani ELIS Power Plant 10th Ceremony Media Coverage
November 19, 2018 【Tsuyama Asahi Shimbun】Mini hydroelectric power generation model project Kuwadani ELIS Power Plant completed
November 17, 2018 【Nihon Keizai Shimbun】Start of experiments on mini hydroelectric power generation Used for small EVs in ELIS and Tsuyama City
November 17, 2018 【Report】Tsuyama City Kuwadani ELIS Power Plant Construction Ceremony
November 4, 2018 【Report】"Tsubame Gas 2018" Mini Hydroelectric WaterWeco ® Exhibit
November 2, 2018 【Information】Tsuyama City Kuwadani ELIS Power Plant_Press Release
November 2, 2018 【Clean Energy】November 2018 Issue
October 31, 2018 【Report】Tsuyama City Kuwadani ELIS Power Plant-(2) Installation of control panel-
October 27, 2018 【Report】Kuwadani ELIS Power Plant in Tsuyama City -(1) Control Panel Foundation Work-
October 5, 2018 【Nagasaki University Research Repository】"Experimental study on output characteristics of undershot fulid water wheel"
September 9, 2018 【Report】Exhibiting at "Mini Hydropower Fair 2018" sponsored by Yamanashi Prefecture Energy Bureau and Enterprise Bureau - Lecture and Panel Exhibition -
September 8, 2018 【Report】Mini hydroelectric power generation workshop hosted by Okayama Prefecture Global Warming Countermeasure Office and Arable Land Division
August 17, 2018 【Report】Exhibited at "Mini Hydroelectric Power Fair 2018" hosted by Yamanashi Prefecture Energy Bureau and Enterprise Bureau
July 30, 2018 【Report】Status of Takao ELIS Power Plant in Niimi City due to heavy rains in Western Japan
July 17, 2018 【Report】Lecture on “Environmental Policy” at Okayama University of Science
June 15, 2018 【Information】The Path of Our Mini Hydro Business - English -
June 15, 2018 【Information】The Path of Our Mini Hydro Business - Taiwanese -
June 15, 2018 【Information】The Path of Our Mini Hydro Business
June 4, 2018 【Report】Lecture on "Mini Hydropower Water Weco®" at Okayama University of Science
April 28, 2018 【Report】April 26, 2018 Lecture on "Mini Hydropower WaterWeco®" at Okayama University "Study Group on Effective Utilization of Thermal Energy"
February 8, 2018 【Monthly LP Gas】ELIS Newly developed water turbine improves power generation efficiency by about 10%
January 15, 2018 【Report】Exhibited "Mini Hydropower WaterWeco®" at the ETV booth of the Ministry of the Environment "Eco-Pro 2017-Future Exhibition of Environment and Energy"
January 15, 2018 【Report】Development of new type impeller
January 8, 2018 【New Energy Shimbun】 Environmentally friendly and sustainable WaterWeco® for regional economic circulation
December 19, 2017 【Propane Shimbun】 High-efficiency mini hydroelectric power generation
December 6, 2017 【Sanyo Shimbun Electronic Edition】Depopulated Municipalities Focus on "Mini Hydroelectric Power Generation" Issues: Lower Initial Investment Costs
December 6, 2017 【Nihon Keizai Shimbun】Mini hydroelectric power generation developed in Eastern Japan ELIS develops high-efficiency type
November 27, 2017 【New Energy Shimbun】Our technology Develops a breast shot water wheel that is highly efficient and suitable for agricultural waterways
November 15, 2017 【Oil Industry Newspaper】Exhibiting mini hydroelectric power generation system
October 5, 2017 【Monthly LP Gas October Issue】"Mini Hydro Energy Seminar" The possibility of mini hydroelectric power generation is large
October 2, 2017 【New Energy Shimbun】"Mini Hydro Energy Seminar" Discloses information on efficiency technology in unexplored areas
September 25, 2017 【Oil Industry Newspaper】Strengths in reducing environmental impact, economic efficiency and regional agreements are key
September 18, 2017 【Oil Industry Newspaper】Commentary on mini hydro energy ELIS of The Tsubame Gas Group
September 12, 2017 【Oil Industry Newspaper】Mini Hydro Energy Seminar, which contributes to social development through economic cycle in the region
August 12, 2017 【Nihon Keizai Shimbun】Selling mini hydroelectric power generation
February 23, 2016 NHK Okayama「Ohayou Okayama」
March 3, 2016 NHK Kagawa「Ohayou Kagawa」
February 5, 2016 【TSC】Three companies agreement between Tsuyama City, JA, and ELIS
January 1, 2017 【Tsuyama Asahi Shimbun】Environmentally friendly "Low-carbon city Tsuyama" Regional promotion utilizing renewable energy
September 11, 2017 【Oil Industry Newspaper】Focus on Mini Hydropower ELIS Nagasaki University and
August 28, 2017 【Oil Industry Newspaper】Spreading mini hydroelectric power system Tsubame HD's ELIS Permanently installed at Tsuyama City campsite
August 21, 2017 【Oil Industry Newspaper】Mini Hydro Energy Seminar Planning: Tsubame Gas Group In Tokyo on September 6
August 21, 2017 【Oil Industry Newspaper】Seminar on September 6 to Promote Mini Hydroelectric In Tokyo with The Tsubame Gas Group Nagasaki University
August 7, 2017 【New Energy Shimbun】Our technology Power generation even at low head and low flow rate Manufacturing and sales of highly efficient mini hydroelectric power generation equipment
November 7, 2016 【Vision Okayama】6 cases of Kirameki fund business ultra-precision production technology, etc.
February 22, 2016 【New Energy Shimbun】Tsuyama City's first mini hydroelectric power generation facility to be built
February 15, 2016 【Oil Industry Newspaper】Mini hydroelectric power generation project in Tsuyama City - Contributing to regional revitalization -
February 5, 2016 【Tsuyama Asahi Shimbun】Concluded an agreement with Tsuyama City and business operators
November 25, 2015 【Sanyo Shimbun】Investment Request Business Explanation - 8 companies out of 50 investors -
September 29, 2015 【Sanyo Shimbun】Okayama Prefecture To Recruit Net Small Investors
September 9, 2015 【Nihon Keizai Shimbun】Utilizing small investments in renewable energy power generation - Online recruitment out-of-pocket lightly -
August 25, 2012 【Sanyo Shimbun】Full-scale development of environmental products Demonstration experiment from next month


Development ProcessFrom the start of the micro power generation project to the present

June, 2024

June, 2024

【Maintenance Report】
The sprockets were replaced at Niimi City Takao ELIS Power Plant, which has been in operation since March 2016.
It has been in operation for 8 years. Micro-hydro power can deliver stable natural energy to local communities over a long period of time, such as several decades or even several hundred years. To achieve this, it is essential to replace such consumable parts in addition to regular maintenance such as oil changes.

February, 2024

February, 2024

WaterWeco®︎ can be equipped with a mechanism that can automatically adjust the angle of water entry to the waterwheel impeller. This mechanism and a remote monitoring system enable the machine to operate almost unmanned.

June, 2023

June, 2023

WaterWeco® on the Uono River waterway in Minamiuonuma City, Niigata Prefecture, was installed in an area with heavy snowfall, so there were concerns (before installation) about snow jamming and whether branches and leaves would get entangled in the waterwheel impeller, even though it is a type (waterwheel) that does not require a dusting device. However, after 9 months of operation, there was no effect of snow jamming and no entanglement of dust in the impeller. In the event of a power failure or abnormal operation of the water turbine, an unusual signal can be sent from the remote monitoring system, and the water turbine is equipped with a built-in UPS, which automatically raises the water turbine.

February, 2021

February, 2021

In the so-called "unused head power generation", which belongs to the maximum output securable area of WaterWeco, it is thought that there is little environmental impact due to the addition of power generation projects, but we have secured a smooth retroactive "fish road" from the viewpoint of conserving sustainable inland freshwater ecosystems, protecting endangered species, and preventing biodiversity loss. The water wheel rotates at low speed, and can maintain a constant clearance between the water wheel and the chest wall, and the chest wall is designed in a so-called "R shape" with a gentle curve.

November, 2020

November, 2020

Through joint research with the Graduate School of Engineering, Nagasaki University, and The West Japan Fluid Technology Laboratory, we have been able to optimize the layout that is less efficient even if the flow rate fluctuates, using impeller that can drain water with high efficiency, which has been conventionally marketed, and numerical analysis of requirements is possible, and it is now possible to predict the optimal operation water turbine layout.
With this technology, stable operation and installation with optimal specifications are possible without changing the configuration of the water wheel itself according to the flow rate fluctuation time peculiar to agricultural waterways [as in the photo].

October, 2019

October, 2019

We were called to an ETV project briefing session hosted by the Ministry of the Environment, and compared the performance of the "ETV Demonstration Water Wheel", which has been selling electricity in full using FIT since March 2016 in the agricultural waterway in Niimi City, Okayama Prefecture, and the "Newly Developed Breastshot (Under Shot) WaterWeco®" jointly developed with Nagasaki University Graduate School of Engineering and West Japan Fluid Technology Laboratory Co., Ltd. Since the overall efficiency of the newly developed WaterWeco® has improved by more than about 10% compared to the previous model, the sales revenue obtained at the same initial cost will also increase dramatically.

October, 2017

October, 2017

With the support of the "Kirameki Okayama Creation Fund", a promotion service in Okayama Prefecture, we have been working with local governments, companies, and consultancies to optimize water turbine impeller for about 10 years in collaboration with the Graduate School of Engineering, Nagasaki University, a national university corporation with knowledge of wind power generation research and development, a research institute with knowledge of fluid engineering and fluid dynamics, and Nishinippon Fluid Technology Laboratories, Inc. In order to further optimize the "open type fluid water turbine", numerical analysis such as water turbine blade shape, number of blades, blade angle, fluid analysis, and model experiment of hundreds of patterns (pictured) were conducted. The system of "Takao ELIS Power Plant in Niimi City", which we have installed and operated since 2016 (Ministry of the Environment FY2016 Environmental Technology Demonstration Project Small and Medium HydroPower Field Global Warming Countermeasure Technology Field Small and Medium Hydroelectric Power Generation Technology Demonstration Number No.120-000) Has been confirmed to significantly improve efficiency.

August, 2017

August, 2017

August, 2017

Fluid analysis of water openings that water the blades was performed. In addition, model experiments were conducted to verify the effect of water pouring.
It was found that under shot WaterWeco can maximize the power generation effect by installing it by throwing it into a co-shaped waterway.
WaterWeco®'s impeller-shaped pitch flap type water wheel is adopted, but the history that led to the adoption of the flap of the tail edge (the back end of the wing cross section), which can be said to be the biggest feature of the blade, is based on the experience of windmill development (body motion theory). For lift-type horizontal shaft windmills, the use of flaps on the wings increases the drag (resistance) of the stall area, which contributes to breaking the rotation of the impeller. However, in the case of the developed drag type water wheel, when this resistance increases, the force of the reaction leads to an increase in the rotational force of the water wheel as it is. This research and development are characterized by hydrodynamic design of the number of blades and axis output of impeller of high-performance water turbines. In particular, in this research, we developed the optimal shape of blades with flaps of new technology by numerical simulation of flow.

March, 2016

March, 2016

We installed the first micro hydroelectric power generation in Chugoku and Shikoku region (survey information by 「NHK【Japan Broadcasting Corporation 】」)in Takao agricultural waterway, Niimi City, Okayama Prefecture. It has been in operation for more than 7 years, but we are operating (selling electricity) smoothly. This was the power generation efficiency of 25-30% according to the ETV environmental technology demonstration of the Ministry of the Environment, but the newly developed WaterWeco® achieved more than 40% (with stagnation). In addition, we were able to confirm the output improvement by changing the layout of the water wheel.
(From June 28 to July 8, 2018, torrential rains due to the effects of Typhoon No. 7 and the Rainy Season Front, etc., recorded over a wide area nationwide, mainly in western Japan, including Hokkaido and Chubu regions) Heavy rains in western Japan caused landslides to flow into the waterways, but due to such a simple structure, no damage to the water turbine blades was seen. Since this type is an "open-type fluid water turbine" with a shape close to that of wooden water trucks that have been popular in Japan for a long time, dust is used to pass through water trucks, devise simple screens as a countermeasure against dust, and periodically flow the straw flowing downstream that flows a lot into agricultural waterways. Remote surveillance cameras can also be used to check the status of dust, avoiding wasteful maintenance. In addition, since the system uses remote monitoring technology of LP gas 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, maintenance costs are also very economical. In addition to daily power generation conditions, we have partnered with local LP gas companies to provide peace of mind in the event of an abnormal signal, and we have established a primary response system.

February, 2016

February, 2016

February, 2016

On February 6, 2016, Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture signed an agreement with JA Tsuyama (currently [JA Hareno-kuni Okayama]) and ELIS CO., LTD. on a mini hydroelectric power plant newly established by ELIS in the waterway of JA's Kuwadani Power Plant (Kuroki, Kamo-cho, Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture). At the conclusion ceremony held at Tsuyama City Hall, former Mayor Akinori Miyaji, head of JA Tsuyama's Best Loyalty Association, and Jun Kuwahara, Representative Director of Our Company ELIS, signed the agreement. Mr. Miyaji, the former mayor, said, "Mini hydroelectric power generation is expected to be greatly expected in Tsuyama, which is rich in water resources, in order to realize a low-carbon city. We look forward to the spread of new ones in the future. It was said. This project started as a model project for the realization of a self-sufficient energy society. In mountainous areas, gasoline-fueled vehicles are the main means of transportation, but gas stations that have been responsible for filling them with fuel have faced serious management difficulties due to rapid energy conservation, a declining birthrate and an aging population. There is also a blank area with a gas station 30 km one way, and there are many areas that are forced to be publicly managed. Therefore, we have set out to use natural energy such as mini hydroelectric power generation for electric vehicles to provide a permanent model business for a sustainable and environmentally-free society with zero mobile energy costs. In addition, we support cashless payment systems in consideration of the current electricity business law. This assumes that tourists can easily use such small mobility. Small mobility is expected to spread at once when it becomes possible to drive on public roads with two people. It is also effective in securing power supply in the event of a disaster. In addition, car sharing will also be used to improve occupancy rates, and expectations will increase as a sustainable means of transportation for villages in mountainous areas with depopulation, declining birthrates, and aging populations.

August, 2012

August, 2012

At that time, we were not yet specialized in open-type fluid water turbines, and we were also verifying different types of micro hydroelectric power generation. We conducted a demonstration experiment of a fixed propeller water wheel at a fish farm in Kagamino-cho, Okayama Prefecture with Nakashima Propeller Co., Ltd., a propeller manufacturer in Okayama City. After about six months of experimentation, we found that this type (fixed propeller) has a large maintenance cost. There is no problem when using water purification, but in installations in natural environments such as agricultural waterways, it was verified that open-type fluid water turbines, which are difficult to clog and easy to maintain, are very effective.

October, 2011

October, 2011

During the "Head of Origin Summit", where the head of a leading Japanese village gathers at a road station in Shinjo Village, located in the northern part of Okayama Prefecture, micro hydroelectric power generation was installed using the flow water of the creek adjacent to the road station, and an LED lightning display board was installed at the road station to promote the "Head of Origin Summit". It was found to be effective as an emergency power source in the event of a disaster, such as charging a mobile phone. In today's world of unforeseen large-scale disasters, there is a need for a self-sustaining distributed power source of renewable energy that can provide peace of mind to our lives dependent on large-scale centralized power.

March, 2010

March, 2010

At Enokawa Canoe Park in Miyoshi City, Hiroshima Prefecture, we conducted a demonstration experiment with Miyoshi City (Environmental Policy Division) and Reconstruction Research Design Co., Ltd., a general construction consultant. Since it is an area with abundant water resources, there were many such low head and low flow environments. Since this project was a demonstration experiment, there was not enough budget for dust countermeasures, but such an "open type diversion turbine" should have a dust remover that can remove large dust (carcasses of animals). It turned out that it is possible to keep it running all the time without any problems.

December, 2009

December, 2009

At Nishigawa Ryokudo Park in Okayama City, we conducted a demonstration experiment with Okayama City and Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd. in the "Renewable Energy Endowment Survey Business" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications "Green Decentralization Reform". During the Christmas season, we used electricity generated for Christmas illuminations. Since it is located in a downtown area, it was possible to appeal unused energy to many people on the road, and the generated electricity was used to raise awareness of the environment with a message from the LED electric signboard. Also, since it was a very dark place at night, the electricity generated could be used as a footlight.

October, 2008

October, 2008

As a sales record, it started with a monument turbine for the exterior of an izakaya in Okayama city (a pumped-up water is hung from the top of a wooden turbine, and the generated electricity is introduced on the LED lightning board to introduce the menu of the izakaya). As an effect of the introduction, it was said that it attracted attention because it was a moving monument called a water wheel, and the ability of the izakaya to attract customers was improved. The debut work of my own generator was at a nearby izakaya.



In 2006, we started the mini hydroelectric power generation (micro hydroelectric power generation) business. At that time, we produced a prototype of pipeline-type in micro hydropower generation and conducted a demonstration experiment at an event in Kagamino Cho, Okayama Prefecture.

As a manufacturer of mini hydroelectric power generation (micro hydroelectric power generation), we have commercialized optimized products by conducting numerical analysis, fluid analysis, and model experiments in a low-drop environment from the bottom.

Headquarters: 174 Fukuda, Minami-ku, Okayama 702-8021, Japan
Business description: Mini hydroelectric power generation (micro hydroelectric power generation) manufacturing and sales, solar power generation and energy saving consulting, leasing, agricultural support services, etc.

Company Profile(Japanese)

Award and Technology registration history

  • Winning of ‘ Excellence of Performance Award ’ of 4th Eco-Pro Award

    Winning of ‘ Excellence of Performance Award ’ of 4th Eco-Pro Award

    At‘The 4th Eco-Pro Award’announced in September 2021,‘Small Hydroelectric Power Generation WaterWeco(r) which can generate electricity with high efficiency even with a low-head’ received the‘Excellence of Performance Award’

  • Registered to STePP by United Nations Industrial Development Organization , ITPO Tokyo

    Registered to STePP by United Nations Industrial Development Organization , ITPO Tokyo

    Our technology of product,WaterWeco(r) Open type fluid water hydropower generation (Small-Hydropower) was registered to Sustainable Technology Promotion Platform by United Nations Industrial Development Organization , ITPO Tokyo Investment & Technology Promotion Office,Tokyo.

  • Winning of ‘ Best Award ‘ of Shinkin Bank SDGs Award 2021

    Winning of ‘ Best Award ‘ of Shinkin Bank SDGs Award 2021

    Announced in December 2021, In the Okayama Shinkin Bank SDGs Award 2021, Business category, WaterWeco® that generates electricity with high efficiency even under low head and low flow rate has received the "Best Award". Winning of ‘ Excellence of Performance Award ’ of 4th Eco-Pro Award

  • Okayama SDGs Award 2022      ‘ Particularly Excellent Efforts ’ Commendation

    Okayama SDGs Award 2022 ‘ Particularly Excellent Efforts ’ Commendation

    WaterWecoⓇ , a small-scale hydroelectric power generation system, received an award for "Particularly Excellent Efforts" in the "Okayama SDGs Award 2022" announced in December 2022.

  • 2024 Chugoku Region Inventors’ Award Ceremony Special Award WaterWeco® Receives Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation’s “Chairman’s Award”

    2024 Chugoku Region Inventors’ Award Ceremony Special Award WaterWeco® Receives Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation’s “Chairman’s Award”

    The "Economic Small Hydropower Generation System with Automatic Load-Following Operation" received the Special Award "Chairman's Award” of the Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation at the 2024 Chugoku Region Invention Awards Ceremony held in November.

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